Project Description

Airdrop Information
Name of Token
Snapshot Date
May 31th 2018
Airdrop Date
June 15th 2018
Total Supply
Airdrop Supply
1 : 1
Action Required
900,000,000 KEOS token (60% of the total) have been allocated for an airdrop for EOS token holders. All EOS token holders who have proven their token holder status of over 100 EOS tokens on the day of May 31, 2018 will receive 1 KEOS token for each EOS token starting June 15, 2018.
All Ethereum accounts that possess 100 or more EOS tokens snapshot on May 31 2018, 01:00 AM UTC (June 1, 2018 10:00 AM GMT) will automatically receive the airdrop. Any accounts with less than 100 EOS tokens as of May 31, 2018 will not be considered for automatic airdrop that begins on June 15, 2018.
KEOS token will be transferred directly into the eligible EOS token holders’ Ethereum (or ERC20-compatible) wallet. The actual airdrop will be starting on June 15, 2018 as soon as Team KEOS finishes running necessary tests to ensure a seamless transference.
You will need to contact your exchange directly to check whether they will distribute KEOS tokens to an ERC20-compatible wallet under your control. If your exchange is not prepared to do this you would need to withdraw your EOS tokens to an exchange that does support the KEOS airdrop, or better still to an Ethereum address for which you have the private key. Most exchanges will support airdrop distributions as long as they receive enough customers request.
So remember the dates and the instruction and please DO MAKE the request to your exchanges to secure swift acquisition of your KEOS token. Help us support you. Team KEOS is here to make the EOS community and network thrive without a glitch.
Token Supply
KCHAIN has created a total token supply for KEOS of 1,500,000,000. These tokens represent the members of KEOS, who will own and control the KDAC (KEOS Decentralised Autonomous Community) once it is launched on the EOS blockchain in June. KEOS will seek to have it’s tokens listed on a number of major cryptocurrency exchanges.
Token Platform
KEOS is currently an ERC-20 standard token on the Ethereum blockchain. Once the EOS platform launches, the ERC20 token contract will be frozen and the ledger will be transferred over to EOS through a process, defined by the launch team, that will be described on the KEOS website and social media channels.
KEOS Token Contract Address: 0x10e063C2FDd2c7E6efb6dBC4fC8e416cAabcF0F5
The most capable EOS delegate, KEOS
We are excited to announce KEOS as an EOS Block Producer Candidate. Based in Seoul, Korea, KEOS is a joint operation with KCHAIN and TokenPost as the central drivers for the EOS movement in Korea and worldwide.
We are ready to take on the grand task of bringing EOS to the center stage.
As a leading global professional blockchain consulting company, KCHAIN provides a broad range of blockchain services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and expertise across the blockchain industries and business functions KCHAIN is a seasoned pioneer working at the intersection of both business and technology. Our very own projects include Scanetchain and Giving Ledger.
As the number one blockchain media in South Korea, TokenPost provides the most up-to-date news and analysis on trends, technologies, and companies within the blockchain ecosystem, and also regularly organizes the largest and the most influential blockchain conferences and forums nationwide. Recently, it has become the first media to issue its own utility crypto token, the TPC.
Together as KEOS, we plan to develop multiple open-source projects, decentralizing the blockchain ecosystem using EOS technology. We are eager to bring our technological expertise and promotional capacity in empowering the EOS community and vitalizing its ecosystem.
We promise seamless throughput capacity, and constant hardware upgrade will be among our priorities. Be still, with KEOS as your primary EOS witness, your EOS needs are guaranteed block by block.
2018-05-15 / Source: