Project Description
Airdrop Information
Name of Token
Snapshot Date
Airdrop Date
Total Supply
Airdrop Supply
2 CHL : 1 EOS
Action Required
As modern society has progressed, people have become more sedentary. With the advances in modernization and technology, people have become accustomed to having most of their daily needs met with very little physical activity.
A 100 years ago, most people had to spend a large part of their day engaged in physical work and activities, such active lifestyles naturally led to people being more physically fit. As we have advanced technologically, people are now much less active, this decrease in physical activity has led to a massive increase in a multitude of health issues including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, muscle degeneration, osteoporosis, back and neck pain, depression and early morbidity.
One of the most effective ways for people to combat the ill effects of their sedentary lifestyles and long days in offices is to spend time in their local fitness clubs and gyms engaged in physical activity. These clubs and gyms contain all the tools, equipment, amenities and coaching that people need to stay fit and healthy. But, as useful as these fitness clubs and gyms may be, people often lack the motivation and consistency to obtain and maintain the physically fit shape that they desire.
The CHALLENGE DAPP plans on changing this by developing a new, cutting-edge system built with the use of Blockchain technology to help incentivize players and their friends and family to obtain and maintain their fitness goals.
2018-07-23 / Source: